Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The biggest news of my summer!

Well, it seems my dreams have come true. And the one thing that I thought had no chance of happening this summer did. I got asked if I would be interested in staying on at Pixar full-time in a regular, non-intern, position! So after a week of interviews with important people and lots of waiting, Tuesday morning I received an official offer letter from Pixar Animation Studios!

I've worked it out with my supervisor and I will be "starting" as a regular employee in 3.5 weeks, on 9/22. I'll continue working with the same team doing exactly what I'm doing now, but this time there is no end date. After I start and find a place to live, Jessica, along with all our stuff, will move to California to begin the rest of our lives. Sometime in the next couple years I will continue, and finish my Master's at a school near Pixar, maybe UC Berkeley.

It's all happened so fast and I still don't think it has sunk in. I'm already deep in the process of moving, initializing many of the processes that have to be complete.

So, now I can extend an invitation to all of you to come visit us in California after October, and see some of the inside of Pixar's studio. (Or just come to see us, that works just as well) We are both very excited about this opportunity and all it means for our future. I think we are both relieved to have a sense of stability and peace in knowing that I have a permanent job. And above that, the job I've wished, hoped, and prayed for most of my life.

God has completely orchestrated this and his fingerprints are all over everything that's happened leading up to this opportunity.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Long time in coming

Well, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then according to wikipedia, I've already written a novel this evening. Meaning, I just posted 60 pictures on facebook which I hadn't updated since 6/15! I also added several pictures to the web album that all have been taken since the last time I posted on this blog.

Well, the end is near. Friday is my last day and it will be a fun and busy week. Our team has a review tomorrow with our director, John Lasseter. Exciting. I also have to get all my stuff packed up this week since I fly out Friday evening right after work.

Hopefully the pictures are self explanatory, feel free to leave comments on here or on the pictures if you have questions or want to hear more about specific things I've done since I last gave a detailed account of my adventures.

It's been fun to become pretty good friends with many of the interns here, and it has been a little sad to say good-bye to so many of them already. But hopefully many of us will return for full-time employment.

Sorry this is so short, it's already after 10 and i really wanted to get a work-out in today, so I'm off to the gym. Talk with you later.


Saturday, August 2, 2008


So, this weekend I am down in the Southern part of the bay hanging out with some friends from Brown. I am currently in Redwood City and my friend, Korhan, had an SD reader in his laptop, so I finally was able to upload some pictures! He's on his way back here and we are going to go to lunch and then head to Monterey to go to the beach! I'm super excited. Enjoy the pictures, they can be found in the Album.

Gotta go, talk to you again soon, hopefully.