Monday, November 10, 2008

Loving work, getting settled

Again, it's been a long time sine I really posted. One thing I'd like to share right off the bat. The trailer for "Up" has been released (can be seen here). Let me tell you, it looks great in 3D (as it will be shown before Bolt in 3D).

Works been pretty busy, but right now we are plowing through work faster than it can be cleared for us to work on them. So, it looks like I'll be looking for things to work on today. I am really feeling a part of the team now. It's great to feel appreciated and that I'm making a difference in getting things done.

I can't believe it's already almost the middle of November. The days and weeks have been flying by and I know that it will be Christmas before I realize it. The leaves are changing and we've actually seen some rain these past couple weeks.

We continue to get things settled into our apartment, and I think it's really feeling like home. We hung a lot of things on the walls this weekend and I think that helps a lot. I got a hold of a couple Pixar posters this summer and I really enjoy that they are now hung up in our home.

Well aparently, they've found something for me to do. So I'll get back to work now.

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