Monday, November 26, 2007


Well, time is amazing, sometimes it is so fast, and other times quite the opposite. We've been in Rhode Island for almost 4 full months! Amazing. Jess and I just this evening were discussing how much has happened in the last 5 years, even just the last 1 year! Well, now that I'm almost 1/4 done with grad school I thought it might be fun to try and keep everyone up to date on life in New England and my life at Brown.

I really am enjoying my classes and teachers. The professors are outstanding. Here are links to my 2 classes if anyone cares:
  • Introduction to Computer Graphics
    (short description: This course offers an in-depth exploration of fundamental concepts in 2D and 3D computer graphics. It introduces 2D raster graphics techniques, including scan conversion, simple image processing, interaction techniques and user interface design. The bulk of the course is devoted to 3D modeling, geometric transformations, and 3D viewing and rendering. A sequence of assignments in C++ culminates in a simple geometric modeler and ray tracer.)
  • Introduction to Computer Vision
    (short description: How can computers understand the visual world of humans? This course treats vision as a process of inference from noisy and uncertain data and emphasizes probabilistic and statistical approaches. Topics may include perception of 3D scene structure from stereo, motion, and shading; image filtering, smoothing, edge detection; segmentation and grouping; texture analysis; learning, recognition and search; tracking and motion estimation.)
Just less than 3 weeks left in the semester. I have a couple decent sized projects left and then I will be off until late January. Hopefully a few people will read this blog, once they know about it, but since I don't know who that will be, I don't know exactly how I should "aim" my information. I'd love to talk about the cool new technologies that I keep finding out about, or the awesome program I made last week for my graphics class. But, I'll probably try to steer away from anything too technical. Let me know if you want more specifics on anything.

I don't want to make these too long, so, that's it for now.
Have a great day.

1 comment:

Selam said...

Hey it looks like you are having fun with the classes. I read ur blog and I thought it was really cool and I hope u continue to send us updates about the classes and all. How is Jess?